Journal of Universal Language
Sejong University Language Research Institue

Building Bridges Between Cultural Studies and Translation Studies: With Reference to the Audiovisual Field

Juan José Martínez-Sierra1
1Universidad de Murcia

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Published Online: Jan 01, 2017


This article is based on an intercultural conception of what translating means. First, I illustrate some of the links between cultural studies and translation studies. Translation is defined as an intercultural practice, so the idea that both fields of study converge at a given point is supported. Second, I argue for the figure of the translator as an intercultural expert or mediator, a perception that stems directly from the conception of translation that underlies this paper. Finally, I reflect on the weight that certain cultural notions have in audiovisual translation, focusing on the key role of cultural referents and intertextual allusions. These elements are portrayed as possible restrictions (mainly because of the shared knowledge that is necessary for their comprehension), and their transmission (particularly in the case of cultural referents) is depicted as a consequence of cultural globalization.

Keywords: audiovisual translation; intercultural communication; mediator; cultural references; intertextuality



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