Journal of Universal Language
Sejong University Language Research Institue

Cultural Misrepresentation through Translation

Said Faiq1
1American University of Sharjah

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Published Online: Jan 01, 2017


The space of intercultural communication is bound to make translation the par excellence site for the negotiation, understanding and/or contestation of the relationships of power and knowledge across cultures. In these intercultural encounters, translation has played a decisive role in the formation and/or deformation of cultural realities through systems, the master discourses, of representing the foreign (other) for the local (self). In the process of translation, a master discourse, the product of a specific cultural context where translation takes place, is used as the medium for the exchange of cultural goods, most importantly literary ones. Drawing on a number of translation instances, this article examines the lack of innocence of translation as the medium of intercultural communication.

Keywords: translation; representation; master discourse; self; other; culture; intercultural communication



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